Monday, October 11, 2010

Conceptions of Cultural Development and Change

The variety of cultures worldwide represents various approaches to life and well-being. Some developmental states are chosen, some are the result of circumstances, some are extensions of tradition, and most are determined by a combination of these factors. For this discussion, you will address practices and values in a cultural context:

  • What dominant values and practices shape the varieties of human existence? How might you conceptualize the difference between the "Wall Street" vs. "Main Street" cultural divide that has played such a central role in mainstream American politics today? Alternatively, how would you characterize a cultural or socio-political divide in another country?

Conclude your posting by addressing your views on comparing the idea of "progress" in American culture and in one other culture. How do Americans and people in the other culture view the "future"?

As an individual, our values and characteristics are the prominent tools we refer to when making decisions (Schwartz & Bilsky, 1987). When applied to the business world, those value systems can impact the structure of an organization. Human emotion, when applied to business can often lead to negative results. When a manager assign's a project to a less qualified individual or a team refuses to apply a different methodology to a problem, those forms of emotion often lead to a delay or poor delivery on projects (Tsai & Young, 2009).

The economic challenges currently faced in America have caused a greater disagreement between Main Street and Wall Street. The financial crisis and rescue of several large corporations has led to a greater divide in the political community (Easton, 2008). Human emotion often influences the public opinion and thoughts; the recent economic problems have provided the proper avenue to draw a larger wedge between Main Street and Wall Street. Often political leaders draw on the emotions of the public to sway voters and solidify their points. "If they do not pass now, then heaven help us all," a direct quote from Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson about the need, to pass the economic stimulus (Easton, 2008).

This student's personal experience of as a native of Nigeria has provided remarkable insight into the cultural and political divide. The diverse religious and cultural environment in Nigeria routinely provides a strong influence into the governance of the country. The inability for different cultural backgrounds to accept officials from different cultural backgrounds has often led to civil war and rioting in Nigeria (Oguntola-Laguda, 2008).

Progress and the global change in both American and Nigeria can only improve through the influence of cultural values and change. The ability to manipulate voters through the use of emotions, and disagree on political issues based on cultural background continues to plague both American and Nigerian societies. This student resided in both countries for significant amounts of time and witnessed what corruption and greed, whichever way it is spun, destroys values and human existence.


Easton, N. (2008). Main street turns against wall street. CNN Money. Retrieved on September 30, 2010

Oguntola-Laguda, D (2008). Politics and religion. Retrieved on September 30, 2010 from
Schwart, S & Bilsky, W. (1987). Towards a universal psychological structure of human values. Journal of
personality and social psychology. 53(3) 550-562.

Tsai, M & Young, M. (2009). How emotions affect decision making, Cognition & Emotion, Retrieved
September 30, 2010 from

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